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3 front yard design ideas to make your property look good

Designing the front of your house is very important. It may seem like an unnecessary task but it can change the whole outlook of your house. When designing our house, we give very little importance to our front yard. As much as we focus on designing our bedrooms and kitchens, we should also consider designing our front yards in the most creative way. Your front yard says a lot about your lifestyle. If you have a small front yard or big lawn, it can be decorated easily. A good looking front yard can greatly contribute to your home’s value. With the newest trends and so many DIY things, we can easily design our lawns and make them attractive. Here are a three top notch ideas that can make your yard look beautiful:

Maintaining Grass

The first step towards designing your front yard is maintaining your grass. If you have got the right soil with the right kind of grass, there is nothing much to worry about. The most important part of maintaining the lawn is to water the plants and grass. It is more efficient and easy to water heavily when your lawn really dries up rather than watering lightly and frequently. Having thick and dried out grass in your lawn can create a bad impression.  You can hire lawn mowing melbourne service to maintain your yard.  A lawn mower cuts down the old and dried out grass, allowing the new grass to grow which gives a fresher and greener look to your yard. With the help of a mower, you can easily bring variations to your grass.

Plant different trees

Planting different trees can never go out of style. If your front yard has at least 2-3 trees, it will automatically give a well spaced look to your yard. Having a shade tree can really step up your designing game. The shadows formed by it on the walls or grass will create an aesthetic view. While having a shade tree adds a royal touch to your yard, having coloured trees can instantly add life to the yard. Dogwood trees with pink flowers are the most preferred choices for the front yards. The pink flowers will beautifully compliment the green grass. It will give a fresh and calm look. Trees with yellow fall can instantly lift up the aesthetics of your yard by giving it a warm, retro and golden hour look.


If your front yard has no lighting and can only be seen with the help of a street light, we’ve got new for you. Even if you don’t have a variety of flowers or different kinds of trees in your front yard, lighting can really improve things for you. Installing different lights around the flower beds can create a magical visual for you. Having small lights along your walkway also looks beautiful. Fairy Lights on bushes and lanterns on the trees can do wonders for you. They will create a lawn looking straight out of a fairytale.

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